back to reality☕(but loving it)

I’m back from my family road trip to the beautiful Charlevoix region of Quebec. I learned my lesson and took more photos this year, including this one.

That’s a little portion of the beach on the North shore of the St-Lawrence River, a handful of minutes away from the quaint town of Baie-St-Paul. I highly recommend visiting the area if you ever get the chance!

Vacation, especially surrounded by nature, does wonders for recharging my creativity. I jotted down dozens of ideas while I was away and I have so much I want to write!

So now, it’s back to work for me…

The Crazy World of Facebook Ads

One thing I’ve heard repeated by many successful indie authors is that Facebook Ads can be hugely impactful. I’ve decided to see for myself. I’ve completed an introductory course and have started experimenting with my own campaigns.

I was surprised at how empirical the process is: you create many (so many) ad variants, throw them out there and watch the data roll in, refining based on what you see. It’s actually pretty fun, although not cheap!

Maybe you’ve even seen one of my ads (like the one above) yourself? If you do, I’d love to hear from you!

Apollo Cup Submission

After incorporating beta reader feedback, I plan to submit my Apollo Cup short story to the Writer’s of the Future contest before the September 30, 2024 deadline. As I mentioned in my last newsletter, it’s a contest I’ve known about for many years. I think I submitted something years ago, but it was a rush job and I always intended to come back to creating a compelling Sci-Fi story to take a real shot at competing. I’ve finally gotten around to it and I will be pleased to tick this off my bucket list, win or lose.

If you haven’t read the story yet, you can still email me at to request a free copy.

Writing Update

Between vacation and learning Facebook Ads, I’ve barely scratched the surface of reviewing the package from my editor on Contested Souls (Danse Macabre Book One). There is some great feedback in there, so I plan to focus on this for the coming weeks.

That’s all for now!

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