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  • Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 6

    Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 6

    Alarak sat inside Vance’s command vehicle, listening to the general propose minor battle adjustments to Lokus. The plan had already been discussed and agreed upon, so the navigator had little interest in the final logistical details. He turned his attention instead to the cycling picter feed being displaying on a screen next to him. It…

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  • Roose Bale

    Roose Bale

    Based on Fantasy Flight’s Deathwatch, set in Games Workshop’s Warhammer 30,000 The universe is cruel. It is unjust. To bring justice is to impose an unnatural order. That is, in and of itself, a cruelty. When I heard Conrad Kurze speak those words, they rang true. They spoke to the experiences of my battle-brothers and…

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  • Tychondrius


    Based on Fantasy Flight’s game Deathwatch, set in Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000 As the battered land raider vibrated from the impact of innumerable fleshborer beetles, Brother Tychondrius surveyed the battlefield using the vehicle’s remaining sensors, directly interfaced to his brain by means of his electro-graft implant. The hail of fleshborers originated from the swarm of…

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  • Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 5

    Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 5

    The assault shuttle rattled as it penetrated Shinfuken’s atmosphere. Lokus looked up reflexively from the map of the Shinfuken Command complex that he was studying. Alarak sat facing him across the narrow aisle, the expression on his strangely bloated face impassive, the lid over his third eye quivering slightly. Lokus reflected that the navigator was…

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  • Uzog Stormbringer

    Uzog Stormbringer

    Based on Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons (5e) The door to the tavern flew open, letting in a cold blast of wind that made every candle in the overcrowded hall flicker. A hulking, brooding figure stood outlined in the doorway as a rumble of thunder erupted in the distance. A tense hush fell…

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  • Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 4

    Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 4

    Nero listened with impatience to the junior officer as she finished her status report. The Holy Enterprise’s systems remained rife with malfunctions, following Tetsuwan Atomu’s infiltration, but none of them posed a significant risk at the moment. Whatever Phi Rho had done, he seemed to have thwarted the hostile artificial intelligence. Nero abruptly dismissed the…

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  • Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 3

    Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 3

    Little of Phi Rho 81’s face was recognizably human, after the extensive cybernetic augmentation he had undergone over the years. His left eye and a small area of skin around it was all that Alarak and Lokus could observe to gauge what was happening in their comrade’s mind as the unknown intelligence communicated with him.…

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  • Ashes to Ashes – 5 – The Villain

    Ashes to Ashes – 5 – The Villain

    Warren Richards stood up suddenly, leaping toward the other man, bringing his face within inches of Jack’s. In one long hissing breath, he articulated: “Do you understand the consequences of what you’re talking about?” “I have to try!” Jack answered passionately. Warren could not believe what he was hearing. They had achieved so much together,…

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  • Ashes to Ashes – 3 – The Vagrant

    Ashes to Ashes – 3 – The Vagrant

    He looked up into the sky, letting the rain splash his face. He closed his eyes, savouring the cleansing feeling of nature’s kiss. Then he remembered the pollutants that turned the rain to acid. Suddenly, he felt as if the water were burning his skin. He rubbed his face with his hands and pulled his…

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  • Ashes to Ashes – 1 – The On-Looker

    Ashes to Ashes – 1 – The On-Looker

    She stood squinting in the downpour. Her muscles tense, she huddled in her light jacket as cold water drenched her. She leaned against a street lamp, being stumbled over and bumped every few seconds. Pedestrians all around her rushed to get home, out of the rain, after a long day of work. She felt miserable.…

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