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Art of The Kiynan Chronicles
Characters and Scenes MapsCovers Characters and Scenes Maps 4000 Before the Founding of the Houses (B.F.) 635 After the Founding of the Houses (A.F.) Modern Times Covers
World of Kiynan Geography
The World is divided into three major continents: Varice, Kiynan and Ornland. Read on to find out more about their countries and key cities. Varice The cold, Northern continent of Varice is populated by the Iceborn, hardy folk, adapted to living in a harsh climate. Raiding, skirmishes and outright warfare are commonplace and merely a…
World of Kiynan History and Timeline
The World of Kiynan is the high fantasy setting for The Kiynan Chronicles series. It is a medieval fantasy world peopled by many different cultures, each with their own histories, religions, aspirations and problems. Once ruled by the mighty Lethean civilization, the World has since been taken over by humans. Magic is produced by intense…
Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 10
Nero nudged the controls of the gun-cutter as he completed the maneuvers to dock with the captured Gamoran raider. As soon as the airlock finished cycling, his companions rushed toward the command bridge and he followed. He cast a woeful glance over his shoulder at the gun-cutter, uncomfortable with trading it in for the unarmed…
The Scouring of Hillcrest Mine
A D&D 5e adventure set in a Forgotten Realms-inspired high fantasy setting, which I DM’d for my nephews. “Hillcrest Mine has been overrun. The flow of valuable minerals from the mine, the very lifeblood of our village, has thus been stopped. Bold adventurers are needed at once to cleanse the mine and restore Hillcrest to…
Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 9
Lokus contemplated the data slate in his hands. He had read the report it contained about what little the Holy Enterprise‘s auspex could reveal about the state of Palados. It was not encouraging. A vast cloud of debris encircled the planet for thousands of kilometers. The fighting between the Gamorans and Sinerians had been intense.…
Jack Shepherd
Based on White Wolf’s World of Darkness game Demon: the Fallen (prior to the moment of possession). Jack Shepherd took a long drag on his cigarette, eyeing the tumbler of cheap bourbon on the desk in front of him. He longed to grab it and knock it back in a single gulp, but he…
Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 8
“Into the tunnels!” Lokus commanded, taking a moment to address the room. “We retreat from the jaws of the enemy, but only to better strike at its heart!” Eckhert Riggs rolled his eyes and looked to the other soldiers around him to share in his disdain. To his annoyance, the rank and file Guardsmen…
Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 7
As the small fleet of Sinerian shuttles approached the Shinfuken research site, Phi Rho 81 looked out of the window at the ground below. From the air, he could just make out the ruined foundations of what must have been four buildings. The Holy Enterprise’s lance strikes had not left much to see. Most of…
Sinerian Renaissance – Episode 6
Alarak sat inside Vance’s command vehicle, listening to the general propose minor battle adjustments to Lokus. The plan had already been discussed and agreed upon, so the navigator had little interest in the final logistical details. He turned his attention instead to the cycling picter feed being displaying on a screen next to him. It…